Tag Archive for: Countree

Countree Empowers Female Farmers in Susua Char to Grow and Process Quinoa in Bangladesh

Fatema Akter is a Female farmer in the Susua Char area. She lost her husband in heavy flood three years ago and provides for her two children. Fatema, used to live from hand to mouth. Countree hired Fatema, and ten more female farmers like her , taught them cultivating and the processing of Quinoa. With the support of the farmers like her, in the first year Countree has grown more than eighteen hundred kilo grams of grains. These grains are directly coming from the crop fields to the plates of the urban consumers of Bangladesh.

Countree Empowers Northern Char Farmers with Quinoa Cultivation to Alleviate Poverty and Improve Access to Protein in Bangladesh

Bashir Uddin is a farmer in the northern char (river island) area of Bangladesh. He belongs to an ultra-poor community where the farmers earn less than fifty cents per day. He mainly grows rice and corn but gets a very less price due to the mediatory groups. Moreover, the communities in the char areas have a very less access to protein as it is very expensive for them. Hence, with the support of AMAL FOUNDATION, a NGO based in Bangladesh which works in the remote char areas Countree reached out to Bashir Uddin and twenty other farmers to empower them financially and socially. Countree, provided training, distributed seeds, fertilizers and techniques to grow Quinoa in these areas. Upon growing these Quinoa’s, the farmers are keeping some to nourishing themselves and rest has been sold to the urban consumer through the direct accessibility of the marketplace by Countree. Therefore, Countree is not only ensuring direct market accessibility but also giving three times more profit margin to the farmers by growing these high value crops like Quinoa.